Get in Touch

Let us know how we can help and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to put in your request for a free estimate - or for a full consultation - using this form.

Free Estimates are done from Dan’s office using Google Earth and are ROM estimates, subject to confirmation upon arrival at the job.

Full Consultations are recommended for large or complicated projects, and are a $50 charge for an hour consult with yourself or your property manager. They are subject to a travel fee if they are outside the service areas of Summerland to Lake Country.

Services: Window Cleaning (squeegee), window cleaning (brush), pressure washing, siding cleans, gutter cleaning & detailing, Big Star Lights, post construction window cleaning, and more!

Dan Tait - Owner/Operator of HD Window Cleaners
(250) 899-0496
West Kelowna, BC